Countdown to College!

Saturday, August 9, 2008

One of those girls who...

... needs a boy to be happy.
...gets lonely so easily.
...has to look in the mirror at every chance.
...always worries about how she looks.
...checks out every guy she sees.
...secretly hopes any boy is checking her out.
...dates people she's not really interested in because she's lonely.
...moves too quickly.
...likes someone too soon.
...can't feel good about herself.
...just wants to feel pretty.
...doesn't believe it when people tell her she is pretty.
...has no self control.
...complains but does nothing about it.
...drowns her boredom and loneliness in food.
...feels fat.
...feels ugly.
...hates herself.
...cries to herself.
...can't stop.
...feels stupid.
...wants all her friends to set her up.
...hopes it'll get better later.
...knows it won't ever get better.
...I always mocked.
...I always swore I wouldn't be.
...I am.


Ems said...

"The worst thing that happens to you can be the best thing for you, if you don't let it get the best of you." - Will Rogers

Amanda said...

My journalism teacher/yearbook advisor gave me a copy of a poem in my senior year. It's at the bottom of the sidebar of my blog, and I live by it to this day.